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Photography Class Logic Puzzle

Logic Puzzle Problems

Perry, Quinn, Rex, Scott and Toby took a photography class together. The assignment was to photograph animals, so they decided to take a safari for 10 days. A different pair took the pictures each day. Some days they didn't see any animals. But they returned home with pictures of five animals, each taken on different days.

Toby was not involved with the picture of the anteater.

Quinn was one of the pair which snapped the emu.

No one was on the teams which took pictures of both the anteater and the deer.

One person captured the photo of both the crocodile and the emu.

One person snapped the bear. He also snapped an animal when he was out with Scott.

Perry and Quinn were successful on their day together as a team.

Rex and Toby, however, saw nothing on their day as a team.

Each man participated in the photographing of two animals.

Quinn, Scott and Toby together had a hand in photographing all five of the animals.

Which pair took each photograph?

Thanks to Martin Hollis.

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